Saturday, February 03, 2007

Help a brother out

Hey guys,

I know many of you are in the city and some of you are even students at Loyola. Here's an article about 2 men helping out Pravin Patel and his family, owners of the Kaffecino Coffee Shop in the university's Lake Shore campus. It's great to see students and community members helping a family out in times of need.

The story:
"Steve Hill, a junior at Loyola University, Chicago, started the campaign after coming to know that Nikit Patel, the 22-year-old son of a university campus coffee shop owner, has been diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukaemia (AML. Hill and Chicago real estate developer Tom Pierce organised an all-day event last week as part of the Nikit Patel Benefit Project."

The purpose:
"The whole idea is to provide support for the family and maybe take a little pressure off and allow them to buy some medication for a month," Hill told The Phoenix about last week's event. "This definitely raises awareness."

What you can do:
"Apart from last week's event, donation boxes have also been placed at Carmen's Chicago Pizza on Sheridan Road and the subway on Broadway and Berwyn Avenue in Chicago."

If you're on your way to class, know somebody who lives in the area, or you're going to be in the area yourself, stop by the shop or one of the above locations, donate, and help a brother out!

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