Go Fug Your Bollywood Self
So as some of you may know, I am quite selective in which Bollywood films I watch. It depends on the actors (I will NEVER watch a Salman Khan film. EVAH!), the script/plot (seriously, Black is one of the worst movies I have ever seen!), possibly the director (I'm biased towards most Bengali directors, Deepa Mehta, Aparna Sen...but need to be insane to ever watch a Karan Johar film), and the genre (I refuse to watch horror films).
But...(you didn't think there would be a but did you ;)) ....I may be influenced into watching a film for its asthetics. That's right people. I have my priorities. Clearly. And if it looks really pretty (ahem..Devdas, Umaro Jaan (and coincidently, both contain a certain actress, sadly)), then I might just go see it. But cinematography and scenery aren't enough.
FASHION! I love fashion. Even if I don't/won't/shouldn't wear any of the clothes that are displayed, I love looking at the designs, fabrics, colors, and various ways such clothing can be worn. And if a movie has fabulous fashion.....I'll watch it too. I know....I have way too many exceptions;)
So for the past month or so...I've been stalking my favorite Bollywood fashion commentary site, Ugly, Ugly, Bollywood Fugly. (And shout-out to one of the writers who is an Illini!)
Love the blog...Go check it out, it's so NOT fugly:) !
PS...Ok so the photo has NOTHING to do really with the post, but no matter how much I dislike Ms. Rai, I gotta say, Damn...that is one pretty pic!
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