Sunday, October 08, 2006

Little Miss Sunshine

I've been meaning to blog about this movie, Little Miss Sunshine. It's honestly one of the best and funniest movies I've seen all year. It's already become one of my favorites. Steve Carrell is hilarious with his less is more style. Greg Kinnear is now becoming one of my favorite actors. His expressions are just hilarious and his acting has really grown on me. The always fabulous Toni Collete is wonderful as the mother trying to hold the family together. The grandfather, Alan Arkin, is equally as funny. He's so outrageous and his philosophy on living out his old age is just too funny. Paul Dano as the older brother does a wonderful job as a brooding, angst-ridden teenager and the young girl, around whom the story is based, is cute, talented, and endearing.

Both Paul Dano and Greg Kinnear can also be seen in the upcoming movie, Fast Food Nation, which looks just as funny with a dash of wit and a jab at our society's obession with fast food. Overall, a wonderful movie experience and I recommend you all go see it. NOW!!!


At 10/09/2006 10:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I loved this movie! When I left the theater, one of my first thoughts was, how I wouldn't mine owning a copy when it comes out... and I hardly EVER say that about a film.

At 10/11/2006 5:52 PM, Blogger payal said...

morton hurley,

WORD. I hardly ever say that either, but after watching this movie..I'm counting the days until I can own it! It's really that good! :)

At 10/11/2006 5:56 PM, Blogger chick pea said...

that picture of the scene in the diner was cream and the gal looking fat...

i wanted to slap the dad..

great flick.. loved it.. thanks for commenting on my blog miss payal...

the bean

At 10/11/2006 6:14 PM, Blogger payal said...

Woah!!!! The mighty miss chick pea just posted on my blog. WooHooo!!! That is so cool :) I heart her blog! (even though i don't really know her, or have met her. I swear I'm NOT a stalker!) Thanks for visiting chick rock! agree, the dad needed a little bit of a beating in that scene!


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