Saturday, October 28, 2006

Catch A Fire

So I saw one of my Need to See movies last night: Catch a Fire

It was amazing! Superb acting from Tim Robbins and Derek Luke. The potrayal of techniques used to destroy one's integrity, to motivate someone to become a freedom fighter, and bring someone to abandon their faith was unsettling and yet rung true. When the idea that everything would be fine if one just followed the rules and was a good person and loved their family just disappeared, one realized that just living and being "good" was no longer enough.
The depiction of the Apartheid and the actions used by the "Anti-Terrorist" squad against all those suspected, innocent or not, and immediate use of torture was horrifying. It was especially ironic considering that the squad claiming to protect the country and citizens of the violence (more so for violence against the upper class whites) was in fact having the opposite effect as it was slowly destroying the the protection and goodness of the citizens as protests, distrust, and rebellion ensued. The squad's actions were in fact a motivating factor to the souls of the freedom fighters to stand up for what they believed in, claim back their rights and equality, and continue their struggle.
Especially inspiring was the ending when the movie showing how the apartheid finally ended and with the actions of Nelson Mandela and how Patrick came to terms about his pain and had the compassion to forgive. Amazingly, the real Patrick currently houses over 80 African orphans in his house! Also, there was a lovely moment at the ending of the movie with the real Patrick playing soccer with actor Dereck Luke. Overall, a really well-made movie with action, sorrow, optimism, and even a lit bit of education!


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