Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Gimme a G!
Gimme an A!
Gimme a Y!
Gimme an A!
Gimme a T!
Gimme a R!
Gimme an I!

What's that spell? GAYATRI!

Welcome friend of my friend! Loyal readers, the revolution is growing. We now have a new hyphenated twentysomething blogger in our midst. Gayatri, we eagerly await for you to impart your great words of wisdom upon us......no pressure!


At 5/09/2006 3:37 PM, Blogger gayatri said...

So that's what a warm welcome feels like. Thanks for including me in your awesome blog, I can't wait to get cracking.

At 5/09/2006 9:11 PM, Blogger payal said...

YAY!!!!! Gayatri, my friend, welcome to the blog. I look forward to your wisdom. Much love and respect


At 5/10/2006 11:30 AM, Blogger tanvi said...

My sister pointed out that the unique colors I used earlier made a statement of their own. So, just so that it's clear, the rainbow colors were in no way a comment on your sexual preference, Gayatri. Just so we are clear! ;-)

At 5/10/2006 1:08 PM, Blogger payal said...

OMG! Does your sister ever study???And don't worry, we'll get gayatri all caught up in this game we call "husband-hunting"!!:)

At 5/10/2006 1:12 PM, Blogger payal said...

um..but only..of course..if that's what you prefer gayatri. no pressure though. we accept all. we're lovers, not haters!

At 5/10/2006 5:45 PM, Blogger tanvi said...

Maybe we should be more PC and start calling it "partner" hunting. What do you think? I know it doesn't have the same ring to it, but it might make gayatri more comfortable! JK! :->

At 5/10/2006 6:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ok, according to the new rules set by my sister, i have to keep this entry pg. cuz we all know i just love swearing. @$*#! $%&*@#. hehe. ya so hi to gayatri, though i don't know you, sorry. this is to payal, i do to study!!! it mayb what some would call "really really ridiculously short", but i say it is intensive. eh, i do not care as long as i get the results. plus, if you compare my study habits with tanu's, of course i would look shitty. did u know she still have algebra 1 notes from freshman year?!?!?!? thats right, u heard me. or rather....read me??? w/e, back to topic: tanu's freakishness. also, she kept her essay plan on the industrial revolution in britain for AP Euro. freak. make fun of her as much as possible. oh and i almost forgot, she has 3 crates filled with notes from highschool. exactly. ok thats all, tata.

At 5/10/2006 6:04 PM, Blogger tanvi said...

HEY! Stop lying! Its only 2 crates, thank you very much!

At 5/10/2006 7:42 PM, Blogger payal said...

Haha! it's established and on the internet forever: Tanvi's a nerd! Tanvi's a nerd!
Ok, I'll stop now. But, remember, I have this on record!
PS. Thanks tensomething. You so rock:)

At 5/10/2006 11:50 PM, Blogger gayatri said...

Yay, I just create a profile. Now I'm officially part of this blog. Oh wait, I should probably post something at some point.


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