Thursday, April 13, 2006

Jon Stewart, Illinois, and lots of confusion!

This made me smile:

School hires wrong Jon Stewart
The Associated Press
April 13, 2006, 7:07 AM CDT

When Chicago-area part-time professional wrestler Jon A. Stewart got an invitation to speak at a charter school fund-raiser in Utah, he was so surprised he wrote school officials back to make sure they had the right man.They assured him they did. But they didn't.Instead of the Deerfield man, school officials thought they were booking Jon Stewart, the host of TV's "The Daily Show."They uncovered the mix-up before the April 20th event and told Illinois' Stewart not to come.He said he actually felt bad for school officials, who paid all of his non-refundable transportation expenses. "My ego was not the problem here," he said.

Copyright (c) 2006, Chicago Tribune

In a slightly tangent note, this kind of reminds me of our idiotic governor who went on the real Jon Stewart's Daily Show and didn't know who he was, and then proceeded to make a fool out of himself by not realizing that the questions that were being asked in his interview were tongue in cheek and a mockery, so he kept giving weird looks to the "news host" and asking questions like, "Is that a serious question?"!!!......What is it with confusion, Jon Stewart, and people from Illinois?
Hmmm..something very weird is going on, indeed. Of course, Tanvi and I are never confused when it comes to Jon Stewart and have nothing to do with this:)


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