Monday, April 10, 2006

Do you really want to live here?

The Netherlands' new slogan for prospective immigrants: We love our country, but have you seen our DVD???
Yesterday, I read this article in the newspaper and I wonder (well, dread), with all the talk of immigration reform and especially all of the rallies that are taking place today, April 10th, in a few years from now, will America do something similar to this? : Dutch to Muslims: Do you really want to settle here?
I don't really mind asking new immigrants to accept, tolerate certain beliefs and practices of a certain country as the Dutch are trying to do with their new DVD. Every country has their own culture, laws, and rights and it is to be expected that citizens abide by them, assuming that they are civil and just. But, I mean, to specifically ask for an extremely high fee for the citizenship exam along with the DVD as a way to deter hopeful immigrants is just plain mean. In addition, while it's rather generous of them to show the tolerance of homosexuality and nudity in their DVDs and prepare immigrants of the reality they should expect, it's interesting that they decided to include this now, after so many years. Do they really think this is going to help "integrate" immigrants? Of course, this is their way of warding off extremists and conservatives, but how is this helping the cultural divides within their communities? Rather than closing the gap, they seem to think that by preventing (well, what they hope will be preventing) the influx of new conservative immigrants(read: basically anyone brown, muslim, or not socially liberal)  to the Netherlands, the problem will automatically disappear! Or maybe be contained. But for how long? And what about the future generations, such as new second-geners, who are Dutch themselves, but whose parents were immigrants, how well will they associate their peers and communities when they don't feel fully accepted or appreciated as rightful citizens?
Especially suspicious is the fact that:
 "U.S. citizens and residents of EU countries do not have to take the exam, fueling Muslim suspicions that the test is mainly meant to exclude them." while I'm sure the Dutch are wonderful people, I guess they're not as tolerant as they claim to be then, are they.  There are a lot of things to consider and while we face some different issues here in America, let's hope that our immigration reform doesn't come down to this level: an expensive test and a lousy,"revealing" DVD.



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